Prestige Classes - which are broken?

August 2024 ยท 1 minute read
Besides which, "brokenness" is situational AND relative. For example, the [3.0] Archmage is often touted a paragon of borkenness, because of it's spell power. But if you don't TAKE all three Spellpower enhancements (IOW, if you choose OTHER things), it's not overpowered to NEARLY the same degree.

Some PrCs are broken for being too weak, or else too bland (IMO most of the S&S PrCs fall into one or the other of those two categories).

A few look VERY powerful on the surface ... but when played, aren't nearly as awe-inspiring. Or maybe they are. Some of them are heavily reliant on GM input to make-or-break them -- input in the form of how encounters play out, what the foes typically are, and so on.
