The 8 Most Important Tarot Cards for Love

July 2024 · 4 minute read
tarot cards on table
Which Tarot cards hold the most potent messages for your love life?

By Staff

Love is one of the most asked-about topics in a Tarot reading. When you're asking the Tarot about your love life, there are certain cards that may come up that hold especially potent messages!

From the Major Arcana to all suits of the Minor Arcana, there are cards throughout the whole Tarot deck that can guide your love life -- in fact the whole suit of Cups addresses relationships, emotions, and intuitions.

Of course, they’re not all messages you may want to hear...

Some of these cards are telling you you’re exactly where you need to be, while others are telling you that change is in order. Either way, these are messages of growth, positivity, and guidance, helping you find your path to fulfilling love.

Will one of these cards show up in your next FREE love reading? your next love reading?

The Lovers

The Lovers

The Lovers naturally alerts you to pay attention to love situations in your life. However, more than love, The Lovers is about decision making. Specifically in a love reading, The Lovers card inspires you to find greater happiness with another by finding greater comfort in yourself.

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Death is about significant changes -- when one thing ends and another begins. In love readings, this will often pertain to a breakup. This card is a reminder that no major change or ending is permanent, but rather an opportunity to find yourself, to solidify your needs, and to open yourself to something new and better.

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The Tower

The Tower

The Tower is about sudden, shocking change -- change that can knock you off your feet and alter your future as you thought you knew it. In a love reading, this card may appear in relation to breakups, infidelity, exposed secrets -- any major surprise. The overarching message, however, is that in order to build something true and solid for your future, everything that currently exists must be torn down to make way.

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Two of Cups

Two of Cups

The Two of Cups is about two people working together. It reflects an energy of mutual feeling and support, and reminds you that there is love in your life, whether you see it or not.

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Three of Swords

Three of Swords

The Three of Swords is a card of heartache and sadness. In a love reading, it can represent loneliness, rejection, infidelity, and breakups. Remember: hardships are where we can grow the most. While these difficult feelings are an unfortunate part of life, they are a very necessary part of personal development.

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Five of Cups

Five of Cups

The Five of Cups represents disappointment, grief, and negativity. But you are mourning the loss of something that existed only in your mind and heart -- not in reality. When the Five of Cups is drawn, pay less attention to the Cups that are knocked over, and more to the Cups that are still upright, still full.

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Six of Swords

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords is about leaving a situation that is challenging, or one that is not healthy for you. In love readings, this can pertain to an abusive relationship, or one that has simply fallen flat and brings more confusion and frustration than comfort and joy. While there is pain involved with this departure, there is also an ocean of possibility that lies ahead.

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Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups represents happiness, joy, and fulfillment. In a love reading, this card can signify an impending proposal, marriage, or birth, and the general celebration of life and love.

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