[LPF] The Kidnappers' Trail | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

September 2024 ยท 2 minute read
DM: Toasterferret
Start date: 7/2/12


Starting XP: 1,574
Ending XP: 1,574 + (84*11) + 161 = 2659
Gold Gained: 240 + (84*11) = 1164 gp
Starting XP: 0
Ending XP: (84*7) +161 = 588
Gold Gained: (84*6) + 240 = 744 gp
Starting XP: 2,509
Ending XP: 2509 + (84*11) +161 = 3594
Gold Gained: 240 + (84*11) = 1164 gp
Starting XP: 2,767
Ending XP: 2,767 + (84*11) + 161 = 3852
Gold Gained: 240 + (84*11) = 1164 gp
Starting XP: 0
Ending XP: (84*7) +161 = 588
Gold Gained: (84*6) + 240 = 744 gp
[sblock=Loot Table]Masterwork Longsword, Dagger x4, Masterwork Studded Leather Armor, Masterwork Light Wooden Shield, Short Sword x3, Leather Armor x3, Buckler x2, 4 CLW potions, Oil of Magic Weapon, 229 gp (240gp value each)[/sblock]

[sblock=Encounters]The Asset: 805xp (161 each)[/sblock]

[sblock=Rules]*Everyone is going to roll their own initiative, with opponents using a group initiative. This will really only matter for the first round/surprise round of combat, after that you guys can post actions in whichever order you like during the group's turn. I prefer everyone to use the in house dice-roller, but invisible castle is fine too, as long as your rolls are linked to an account.

*I would like to keep the pace at around 24-36 hours between posts if we can. If you think you will be away from your computer for more than 48 hours please just give me a heads up about it.

*Leveling up is permissible between encounters

*Everyone should have a mini stat block made up and posted along with any of their posts during combat rounds. [/sblock]
