EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

July 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Regions:Anauroch, Shaar, Vilhon Reach, Western Heartlands.

Racial Feats: None. Can acquire the Spirited Charge and Trample feats (ignoring the prereqs) and apply them to their melee attacks.

Racial HD: 5d8

Level Adjust: +3

10'-12' long, 6'-7' tall, weigh around 600 pounds (seems light to me). Life expectency and age categories as half-orc.


+8 ST, +2 DX, +2 CN, -2 CH.


Facing of 10' and a 5' reach.

Speed of 40.

+4 Natural Armour.

Darkvision 60'. (this makes little to no sense, they are an outdoor race that lives on savannahs. I'd give them 120' Low Light Vision myself)

Prof. with all simple weapons and shields.

+8 racial bonus on Jump checks.

Racial HD provide +5 BAB, and Saves of F +1, R +4 and W +4.

Monstrous Humanoid Skill Points 2+ IN Mod, Min 1 x 8. Class skills are Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silent, Spot and Survival.

Monstrous Humanoid Feats: 2 Feats, most often Alertness and Great Fortitude.

Natural Attacks: 2 Claws (1d6), can make an attack with a one handed weapon and a claw (-5 on the second attack).

Automatic Languages: Sylvan, Common. Bonus languages by region.

Favored Class: Barbarian.

I love Wemics. They are one of my favorite races. I had an idea for an original campaign wherein the Wemics controlled the only area in the world with gold reserves. Sort of make them the Shieks of the gold trade. Hope this helps.
