Info on Fox & Friends Home Improvement Expert

July 2024 · 3 minute read

Skip Bedell’s net worth is solid amid over 150 appearances on Fox News. How did he become a home improvement expert?

Fox News viewers might have caught Skip Bedell’s recent “Always Be Prepared” series on Fox & Friends Weekend, in which the cable network’s resident home improvement expert explained what to stash in the event of a natural disaster.

“Getting ready for winter storms, wildfire season, the first 72 hours in any emergency event [are] always the most critical,” he said in a segment on Nov. 13. “You want to make sure you have everything from shelter to water to food to first aid, tools, anything that you need.”

Bedell has been appearing on the cable channel since 2015, but unfortunately for us financial lookie-loos, his net worth isn't publicly available. (One online source cites it at $700,000, but that figure seems low for a TV personality with Bedell’s credentials.)

But here’s what we do know about Bedell and his career.

Skip Bedell co-hosted Spike TV’s "Catch a Contractor"

Alongside his wife Alison Bedell and comedian Adam Carolla, Bedell hosted Spike TV’s Catch a Contractor, which aired three seasons between 2014 and 2015. In the show, the trio was tasked to “hunt down and confront unscrupulous builders, drag them back to their construction disasters, and make them finish the job right,” according to Spike TV’s synopsis.

The reality show led to two lawsuits. In one, homeowners in Covina, Calif., sued Spike TV, Viacom, and contractors in 2014 over alleged negligence and violation of civil codes. They claimed that some of the reality show’s contractors weren’t properly licensed, as ABC News reported. They said that after the contractors moved sewer pipes, 200 gallons of raw sewage spilled under the shower and into the walls of their home. The case was dismissed, according to lawyer Cameron Stracher.

In 2015, a Los Angeles contractor sued Spike Cable Networks Inc. for fraud, false imprisonment, defamation, and a violation of the right to name or likeness. The contractor alleged that he was trapped in a house and fraudulently made to sign a release under duress, according to The Hollywood Reporter. An update on that case isn't readily available.

Skip Bedell has been on national television for more than a decade

According to his website, Bedell started his television career in local commercials for building products and e-learning modules. In 2008, Bedell brought his “hands-on tool tips” to a national audience with an appearance on NBC’s Today.

He joined Fox News in 2015 as a regular contributor on Fox & Friends. Now, Bedell ranks as the show’s most frequent home improvement expert. He has appeared in more than 150 segments on the morning show over the last six years—as his bio boasts.

Elsewhere on the television dial, Bedell starred on Lifetime’s Designing Spaces. Bedell says that he has two new cable TV shows in development.

And when Bedell isn't on screen, he’s appearing at home and builder shows nationwide, with presentations titled “How to Find a Contractor and Avoid Getting Scammed,” “How to Renovate a Kitchen with Minimal DIY Knowledge,” and “Easy Tips To Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal.”
